Our Location

      4302 Alton Road,
      Suite 220
      Miami Beach, FL 33140

      MINIMALLY INVASIVE Ankle Ligament Surgery in Miami Beach, FL

      Ankle Ligament Surgery Miami Beach FL

      Ankle Ligament Repair and Reconstruction: What is it?

      • You have torn the ankle ligaments and a repair of the ligaments is necessary to tighten up the ankle and prevent further episodes of twisting 
      • There are two main ligaments that will be repaired and tightened.
      • The operation is called the modified Brostrom procedure and is made with a cut on the ankle and the two ligaments are re-attached and tightened using tiny anchors to which the stitches are attached to the bone (the fibula). Whenever possible this procedure can be performed with a minimally invasive technique.
      • Following surgery, you will need to use crutches for about two weeks.
      • You will be able to start walking in a removable walking boot in two weeks
      • The boot is worn for 4-6 weeks, and then you are able to wear a shoe.
      • You can start gentle exercising at 6 weeks after surgery 
      • Physical therapy is an important part of your recovery 
      • Running, cutting, and ball and racket sports are not permitted for 3-4 months after the surgery

      Ankle Ligament Surgery - Specific Post-Operative Course


      Week 0-2

      1. Foot wrapped in bulky plaster bandage 
      2. Elevate, take pain medication as needed
      3. Do not change bandage

      Week 2-6

      1. Dressing changed, sutures removed
      2. The boot is applied to the foot and Weight-bearing in the boot as tolerated
      3. You can take the boot off for bathing

      Week 6

      1. Can start physical therapy
      2. Can use sneaker

      Request Your Appointment Today!

      To request your appointment, please call (305) 674-2090 or contact us online today!

      Our Location

      Ettore Vulcano, MD (Mount Sinai Medical Center)
      4302 Alton Road, Suite 220
      Miami Beach, FL 33140
      Phone: (305) 674-2090

      Orthopedic surgeon serving patients in Miami Beach, Miami, and the surrounding South Florida communities.

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